A woman standing in front a painting

We are bringing “Darling Letters” from your inbox to the blog! We love the art of letter writing and believe it helps build authentic community. Our editors and contributors have thoughtfully written encouraging letters to cut through the busyness and speak straight to your heart.

Despite my love for all things autumn, the changes the season brings with it can be off puttingthe transition from warm to cooler weather, from a sunny to a rainy season and from longer to shorter days. Change can be difficult, but it is an inevitable part of life. Sometimes, we take it in stride, and at other times, we may crumble from exhaustion. 

Change can be difficult, but it is an inevitable part of life.

In seasons of change, I have found a place of refugebooks. I immensely enjoy reading my favorite books like the “Harry Potter” series and “Little Women” or memoirs by people who have experienced the depth that life has to offer. It is in these safe spaces where I transcend into stories outside of my own and find comfort in the familiarity of well-known narratives amidst the changes happening around me.

Entering into spaces of familiarity, even if it’s simply by opening the pages of a great book, creates room for comfort and rest in the midst of transition. With change comes new experiences, new dreams, new hurts, and new unknowns, but there is always comfort to be found when we create space for the familiar.

It is in these safe spaces where I find comfort in the familiarity of well-known narratives.

In times of change, let’s carve out time to appreciate the things and people we hold dear. Let’s remember to keep them close when we are faced with the discomfort of the unknown.

With love,
Emma Dixon, the Darling family

When faced with change and uncertainty, what helps you steady your heart? Why is it important to hold space for the familiar in seasons of change?

Image via Taylor Roades, Art via Ash Wilson 

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